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Are you sick of lies and dishonesty?

Updated: Mar 20, 2020

You were made to be a world-changer. That sounds really cheesy. I hate cheesy. Everything on this blog will be raw and real, sometimes painfully real. So when I tell you that you were made to be a world changer I am not just trying to make you feel good, it is REAL.

Maybe you don't believe me yet ... that's ok. You don't really even know who I am anyway, this is my first post on my first blog after all. Well then, I'll tell you. I am a Catholic, that is my identity. That is who I am. Now you might be thinking, "Oh great, a Christian blog, that's the last thing I want to read." Well you're in luck, this is not a Christian blog, though it is written by a Christian. This is a blog about the things that are lurking in the depths of our hearts and the backs of our minds. The things that keep us up at night. The things that we spend our lives trying to ignore, trying to run away from, but can never escape. The blog is about the deep questions, "who are you," "why are you here," but so much more.

Interested now? I'm not surprised. We all just want someone to be honest with us, to tell us the truth, not just what makes us feel good. We all long for genuineness, we long for truth but we are so confused by the hypocrites around us that we just give up and make up our own reality. Well, I want to change that. I'm sick of it. I want to start a wave of honesty, especially between us teens. So, right now, I promise to never lie or hide the truth. I will tell you the truth about people, relationships, identity, love vs. lust. If you ever, ever see that I am getting cheesy or that I am just trying to make people feel good and hiding the truth, please tell me! I will consider everything you say with complete openness, as I hope you will do with me. Let's improve communication, let's start searching for the truth and being unashamed of it when we find it. Let's lay aside our own prejudices and finally be honest. (I will struggle with that along the way, as you might as well, but I will try.) Let's be humble enough to acknowledge the fact that we do not have all the answers and there is a very big possibility that we are wrong. Will you join me? Or will you run back into the comfortable darkness of ignorance and hiding? I don't want to spend my life hiding. I hope you won't either.

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